Welcome to Iroquois Memorial Hospital, an independent partner of Presence Health
Healthcare is changing under the Affordable Care Act with focus on the overall health of the patient, also known as population health. Iroquois Memorial Hospital is embracing population health with CCO's, Community Care Organization.
Providers in the IMH Clinics together with IMH Care Coordinators will work together to keep our population healthy by being proactive regarding the patients physical, emotional, and behavioral health.
Our goal is to help you achieve your optimal level of health and independence while surrounded by the comfort and security of your own home.

Iroquois Memorial Hospice Services
The theme of "It Must Be Love" reminds us that hospice and palliative care is about more than traditional healthcare. It's hope and more -- it's providing solutions for difficult times when hope is in question, it's being close in a time of fear, it's a friend with time to share, it's laughter in the midst of tears, it's dignity, it's humanity, it's what we do. It must be love.
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
Iroquois Memorial Hospice is an option and choice for the patient and family which allows the patient to be cared for in his/her home surrounded by family and friends. Services are paid for by Medicare, Medicaid and/or private health plans and are provided to all who are eligible regardless of sex, race, creed or ability to pay.
Our Services include but are not limited to:
* Hospice Medical Director who consults with staff and patients.
* Nursing visits scheduled as needed
* 24 Hour On-call Staff
* C.N.A. visits as scheduled
* Expert pain and symptom control using appropriate medications and holistic methods
* Supplies and equipment
* Psychosocial Assistance and Support
* Financial and Legal Information/referrals
* Spiritual support through the Spiritual Care Team with patient's permission
* Volunteers to offer patients assistance in errands, companionship, conversation
* Counseling for patient, family and community.
* Education for family, facilities, and community
* Assistance with funeral planning and arrangements
* Grief support for patient, family and community
* Community Outreach-Speaker's Bureau
Iroquois Memorial Hospice is located in the Iroquois Regional Health Center at 200 North Laird Lane, Watseka, Illinois. You can reach us at 815.432.0185.