Welcome to Iroquois Memorial Hospital, an independent partner of Presence Health
Healthcare is changing under the Affordable Care Act with focus on the overall health of the patient, also known as population health. Iroquois Memorial Hospital is embracing population health with CCO's, Community Care Organization.
Providers in the IMH Clinics together with IMH Care Coordinators will work together to keep our population healthy by being proactive regarding the patients physical, emotional, and behavioral health.
Our goal is to help you achieve your optimal level of health and independence while surrounded by the comfort and security of your own home.

Iroquois Community Health & Social Services Center Receive Quilt Donation
October 10, 2014
Staff of the Iroquois Community & Social Services Center on hand to receive the quilts were (lt-rt): Marilyn Schaumburg, Carol Jefferson, Brandi Beckman, Karry Hines, Kimberly Navas, Kim Bithos and Ellen McCullough.
WATSEKA, ILLINOIS-Ellen McCullough, MSW, Director, and the staff of the Iroquois Community Health & Social Services Center, were the recent proud recipients of beautiful infant/child sized quilts. "The Quilters of the Trinity Lutheran Church, Cissna Park, have made and donated quilts to the programs for many years," said Ellen. The handmade quilts are of child prints and colors.
"It warms our hearts when we are able to provide a child a much needed quilt, which would not be possible without the love and compassion of the ladies from the Trinity Lutheran Church," added Ellen.
Infants and Children participating in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Family Case Management (FCM) and Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) programs will receive the quilts on an as needed basis.
The Iroquois Community Health & Social Services Center is located at 850 South Fourth Street, Watseka, on the northwest corner of Iroquois Memorial Hospital's main campus. To learn more about the services offered at the Iroquois Community Health & Social Services Center please call 815.432-1088 or visit iroquoismemorial.com.